Thursday, March 12, 2015

The *Hands up dont shoot* Lie. Is it time to arrest the media for propegating the lie?

                     As we have learned from witness testimony, Mike didnt have his hands up and the cop was justified in shooting him. The witnesses, all black, stated that what the police said was true. The only person that said Mike had his hands up and that the cops shot him in the back, was his accomplice. Yet the media continued, and still continue, to propagate the lie with the chant, hands up dont shoot. This is incitement of rioting. The media should be taken to task and, at the very least, sued for their incitement of the riot.
                     And we all know why they did it. The good old saying that *If it bleeds, it leads.* and they didnt have enough bleeding. As if the deaths of people in the middle east due to Islamic fanatics who are taking their theology literally when it says to convert, kill or subjugate. No, the media has to stir up trouble with outright lies that get people killed and ruin careers of good people. Then they disguise it as a racial issue when its a cultural one.
                       Making it a racial issue instead of cultural one does nothing to help gang ruined communities. The people their are frustrated that the police cant control the gangs and rid their neighborhoods.They are made to feel that this thug life that surrounds them is part of their culture making it worse. And this all falls squarely on the shoulders of the media who continue to propagate the lie.
                       If either you or I were to incite a riot or cause harm to others with a lie, we would be incarcerated for it or sued for the lie. It's time to hold the media accountable. It is time that they understand that they are subject to the same laws as the rest of us. They scream freedom of the press. The freedom of the press extends to the truth, not lies. The freedom of the press is so that government cannot arrest them for exposing the government's misdeeds. It does NOT give them carte blanche to create or manufacture news to satisfy their advertisers.

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