Monday, March 16, 2015

Legalizing Marijuana

           Before you pass by this as another stoner who just wants pot legal, look at the uses of hemp listed in the leaf picture. And yes, all of those reason are legitimate. They are also the reason that hemp, not pot, is illegal. Before you blow that off, ask yourself this question: If hemp cant get you high, then why is it illegal too?
            And in that question you have the entire reason why there is a prohibition on ALL hemp. How does that make sense? Standing in the way of moving forward on new and ecofriendly ideas are the people who have investments in the industries listed above. That's right, your government is blocking advancement by protecting their own investments.
            Prohibition on alcohol was the same situation. You have Women's sufferage and incometax tied to the prohibition of alcohol. The short of it is the Income tax was turned down. Women were protesting alcohol(look it up) and the only way they could force people to thinking was to institute prohibition. But how? Only men voted and men surely wouldn't prohibit something they used. So, women got the right to vote which pushed prohibition over the top. With the loss of revenue, the government needed a new source. Enter Income taxes. After income taxes were instituted, they lifted prohibition.
             Are you beginning to see how you're manipulated? Are you beginning to see why we have prohibition on all hemp? They make too much money on the war on drugs to lift the prohibition. Commercial prisons, money to waste everywhere in the government... I could research a list for you but you can do that.
              The point of this post is to remind you that this country is supposed to be about personal freedoms. Not the ones where no one can say anything to offend you. I'm talking about constitutional freedoms. No matter what anyone, including a majority, thinks about something, 9 times out of 10 it is going to be constitutional. Including Hemp use for industry and recreation. Take whatever view you have about pot and throw it out of the window. Hemp you can get high on isn't the reason it's illegal.
               Hemp is good for business. Hemp is good for the environment(takes less space to grow pot than trees or cotton with a higher yield) Hemp is a centuries old product that does more than the chemicals we use.Here are a couple of links to get you started on the facts about hemp. Check around for more. And please be aware that the opposition to hemp uses lies and scare tactics.

Hemp uses
Medical Marijuana

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