Monday, March 23, 2015

Corporatism and why they should pay $15/hr or more.

                     Ok, I've been getting a lot of flack for my pro minimum wage hike position and so Im going to explain it in a manner that will have you understanding it without ridicule. Notice I didnt say agree with me. I dont want you to think like me. I want you to think. And I want you to think with factual information as opposed to the rhetoric you parrot.
                     The word I use is Corporatism. Corporatism is the economic situation where a business is so big from buying up the competition and paying government to regulate so that there is no competition, becomes the ruling figure and not the government by threats of destroying the economy by firing, moving, closing, or whatever else they use to leverage more power and money.
                      We are currently in a corporatist society. The corporations dictate quality of goods, wages, laws, whether or not they will go to jail, they decide who wins elections via donation and pay both sides to hedge their bets against loss. They hire illegals in the face of law. They pollute in the face of law. They lower wages by bringing in people that dont understand that they aren't working for a fair market value and will work for any wage, even below minimum, in order to gain a foothold in our country. And the government employees they pay off, ignore the practice and try to keep illegals in the country.
                        Why? To increase profits. But they are increasing profits and prices without fair compensation so that they can take more and more wealth and centralize it into more and more power. In the bank bail out, the phrase, "Too big to fail" was thrown around like it actually means something more than they dont want to lose the money they have invested in the banks. Too big to faill equals too big and SHOULD fail in those cases.
                         With that kind of power and lack of competition, the corporations dictate quality(or lack thereof) and you cannot go anywhere else to get it because they bought all of the competition. They dictate government policy in the form of higher profits for the people regulating the businesses and ignoring our laws. And the worst is the dictation of a *lump it cuz there are no other jobs out there* attitude when it comes to wages.
                         And just exactly where was the bailout money put? Into the pockets of the CEOs that CAUSED the need for the bail out. Now correct me if I'm wrong here, but when was the last time Mom & Pop local store got a bail out from the government? Again, this is NOT capitalism. Capitalism lives on failure. If your business isn't good enough or you dont manage it well enough and it fails, good. More market share for the rest.
                         Capitalism is simply the offering  of quality goods and or services at a price people are willing to pay for it. If your product isnt good enough, you lose business so you make it better. Either that or you lose customers who will go to other people. You lose employees if you dont pay well enough so you have to make dam sure you do it right or you wont be in business.
                           So considering the Corporatist economic situation is where we find ourselves currently, I am 100% for a minimum wage set where is would be if minimum wage had increased along with all of the cost of living increases. $21/hr. And considering that $15/hr is just barely getting by, I dont see it as unreasonable. If they want a corporatist society, then let them buy us out the way they buy out their competition. Otherwise, start voting FOR people who will actually enforce the laws and break up these monopolies disguised as corporations, jail the law breakers, stop illegals and ship them out, and worry about our country over their own bottom line.
                        And if you think this is just so much conspiracy theory, ask yourself this one question and just focus on the Presidency then spread it to the remaining political jobs. Why would anyone spend millions of their own money to get a job that pays $400,000 a year? And the next an more disturbing question is, why would corporations donate to those campaigns? THINK people THINK!

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